Soft Tissue Injuries

Compensation awards for soft tissue injuries, which involve damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, vary depending upon the severity and duration of the symptoms.

Soft tissue injuries caused by trauma or impact during a motorcycle accident can result in swelling, bruising and pain, with symptoms lasting from weeks to months.

There may also be considerable nerve damage, particularly around the shoulder area, which is known as a brachial plexus injury. With a brachial plexus injury, the site and type of injury will determine the prognosis and eventual outcome of a compensation claim.

In cases involving soft tissue or brachial plexus injuries, it’s important to obtain medical evidence from an accident and emergency consultant who specialises in minor injuries or, in more serious injury cases, from a specialist orthopaedic surgeon. At Motorcycle Law Scotland, we work closely with some of the best accident & emergency, medical and surgical consultants in Scotland.

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